Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The End of My Purple Passion

Purple Wood, Oil on panel, 9 x 9.75"
About a year ago my palette consisted of bright reds and purples almost exclusively. I just loved the combination especially with a splash of cad yellow deep. This piece is from that period. Never quite satisfied with the composition it's been literally hanging around my studio for me to look at once in a while.  Finally yesterday I added the tree in the foreground and toned down some of the purple haze in the back woods. I've decided it's done, and that I'm done with this palette for good.

At a painting workshop last summer with abstract painter, Jon Imber, he was critical of my purple rocks, purple trees, and I was banned for the week from using purple. He wanted me to tone down my palette in general and use colors and tones seen in nature. This proved to be a wonderful challenge for me and taught me a lot about using these potent colors more judiciously. Earth tones, greys and blacks in a composition will enhance a rich, brilliant color and make it more meaningful to the composition. In my newest works I am putting this to practice with much gratification.


  1. This painting looks mysterious. Love the colors.

  2. I loved the colors, too, but I'm moving on with my palette. Had lots of troubles getting a decent photo of this too...weird glares.

  3. It's funny how we resist that initial kick in the butt and then live to see wonderful results...will watch for the subtle changes.

  4. Yes, there was quite a bit of resistance! But I'm seeing the rewards. Thanks for reading and commenting, Cindy.
